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Discussion The Sacred Secular Divide

Discussion The Sacred Secular Divide

Q The Sacred/Secular Divide You will continue the previous discussion by considering the sacred/secular divide that is often seen within society today. After watching the presentation titled The Sacred/Secular Divide, interact with your classmates by discussing the following questions: • How does the tendency to push religion away from the public arena affect the Christian’s ability to engage culture? • What are the areas within your own life that depict the sacred/secular divide? • How can the sacred/secular divide be eliminated within your sphere of influence? In your discussion, indicate to which of the points of the Sacred/Secular Divide you are responding throughout your post. In your reply, provide additional insight into the topics being addressed to help foster ongoing discussion. In addition, offer critical thought when clarity or correction is needed. In all matters, be encouraging to each other in your replies.

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The sacred calling for a Christian to become a missionary or even a chosen one for working as a pastor might not always be present for every Christian. Some Christians can justify their habit of not spreading God’s word because of not being chosen like pastors or missionaries. Moreover, the sacred calling is defined by some Christians to be the benchmark for ignoring their duties as Christians. There is more concentration by many Christians towards secular calling. Therefore, engaging culture can be difficult for Christians for not being motivated enough to preach or to learn about the importance of the word of God.